I am not political in any way, except for considering myself a marxist rebel and am in favor of communism in a sense. But i am glad Obama won, imagine this country being run by a mormon. It was hard to choose between the shiniest of 2 turds.

Posted Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:12 am

marxist?communist? Dude, no offense, but maybe you should go ask some russians and chinese and cubans and north korean's how communism has worked out for them, and then offer a view on america's future. Obama won because the country has changed from working and earning money to buy things - to - give me free stuff and not working for it. Also, wait until the new taxes and fees and regulations and unemployment gets worse, then we'll see if people are happy he got in again. I am not political at all, but if you can't see what's going on to the greatest country in the world....then you have become blind, which is what bigger gov't wants. Romney wasn't running on being a mormon, he was trying to stop what's coming, but when you have liberal media never questioning the "great one" - the public never gets the real story of what's really going on. I never hear about ANYONE trying to get into any of these countries....because they suck and have killed millions of their own people. communism sounds great don't it? So great in fact -cuba for example - people have risked crossing 90 miles of ocean in rafts to get away from there, must be a wonderful way of life. Not for nothing, but socialism, communism, marxism have never and will never work.

Posted Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:15 pm

My subtle use of indirect sarcasm, eludes yet another person.
I didnt even read your little history lesson...couldnt leave well enough alone?

Posted Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:20 pm

guess i missed the sarcasm, as for the history lesson, it was only to say that those ways don't work

Posted Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:34 pm

"Can't We All Just Get A Long" Razz

Posted Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:59 am

Keep POLITICAL , RELIGOUS , n otherwise non-fishing related topics off the menu . As u can see it is the stepping stone for DIVISION . I just wanted to say how bad the fishing has been lately , but obviously judging by the Message Board , I'm not the only one .. lol Kill em all let the doctor sort em out .. jk don't kill anyone ..

Posted Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:24 pm

Hey guys if were are going to disagree on something. Lets disagree on the real important stuff in life like FISHING! lol
Remember we are ALL each others fishing buddies Wink

Posted Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:20 am

we just had a difference in opinion - no big deal. What i replied/posted wasn't in anger or anything. And yes, the fishing has been horrible lately, a few bites, but nothing hooked. Tried 6 hotspots and they are coldspots. They stocked Rowands Pond with 100 trout last tuesday, and i haven't seen anybody catch anything. This pond is the size of a football field, it's got bass, pickerel,sunnies and trout and they ain't biting...going to about 55 degrees sat/sunday - hope to catch some then

Posted Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:30 pm

Lol I hear that South Jers . I hope i win that POWERBALL tonight .. Please Lord throw me a fricken bone ..lol

Posted Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:26 pm

I played powerball the other night and I dont gamble or play the lotto ever...I didnt win , but i take comfort in knowing I won the genetic lottery every time I shop at walmart.

Posted Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:31 pm

LMAO !! I got a 50 gift card for Bass Pro Shop , is there any other place that will accept that or am I stuck with it ?.. I guess I just dont feel like paying 10 bucks of it js for shipping . Idk maybe I'll js take a ride out to PA n do it that way n poss wet a line in the SUSQY while I am there . [/quote]

Posted Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:40 pm

I believe Bass pro has free shipping for the rest of the month, I keep getting Emails with that info, They have a lot of good deals going on for x-mas.

Posted Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:06 pm

Here are some promo codes for Bass Pro. Hope you can use them. Smile


Posted Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:08 am

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