Ed's last posting got me thinking of the weird types of fish that I have caught and taking home to eat. I was wondering if anyone else has done this other than Ed and myself. If so let us know Smile

I have eaten the following.......................
Razor clams
Surf clams strips
Sea Robin bellies
Skate wings
Frog legs

I'm planning on trying Dogfish and Spider crab legs.

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:29 am

Sea robin fillets marinated in soy is an Asian favorite.
Cured salmon belly is awesome, but oily.
I can eat eel any way its prepared.
Raw sea urchin shooters, with NOTHING added to them are a delicacy and THE best thing I have tasted that comes from the ocean.(sweet tasting/similar to oysters/ but surpasses in flavor and texture)
Pan fried shad roe, Is something I serve and eat when available.
Skate wings have become main stream and is served often.
Frog legs battered in egg and lemon butter burre blanc (franchaise) is a dish with panache.
Me and my staff (4 guys)once ate a 50# bushel of crawfish in 7 days.
Nile perch smells very strong and is cod like.
I love lobster roe, the head & the guts.
a Blow fish sashimi dish will run about what an average person makes in a week.( i have never seen it served in nj/ I had it in Manhattan, how often can you say you gambled with something you ate)
Grilled amber jack.

Pickerel is the only fish I will not eat EVER. It is chemically unsound and bony.

Posted Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:33 pm

I have caught and ate many saltwater fish (I do not eat freshwater fish) and can say that sea robin and scate are the most underrated of all the sea food out there. I have also tried hermit crabs and warn against eating them. They are not bad but any girl that finds out will look at you as a monster. I have also tried fresh water clams. They are completely tasteless and warn against eating them. Crawfish are amazing and a great substitute fort the extreamly expensive lobster. Eels are another delacasy but are very high in chemicals such as mercury, and most sea food organizations warn against eating more than 4 meals a year. Another strang I tried was large shiners and goldfish. Both tasted strange to say the least.

Posted Wed May 15, 2013 5:18 pm

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