At (54) I'm new to the LMB circles (since 2014), my older brother a full fledged west coast "Bassaholic", who started "using" in his early twenties. A California kid since birth, I transplanted to the east coast in 2007, and being unofficially retired with way too much time on my hands, made a phone call out west one day and asked the older bro, "So, what do you use to catch LMB?" The rest is history.
What I've gathered, in the short time I've been exposed is, that there isn't too much motivation to fish TOADS or anything else out of Heritage Pond. Ok, I'm wrong, the "bucket brigade" shows up right after trout are stocked in April, but other than spring time, I have the place pretty much to myself. I get excuses ranging from, "Oh, that place is a ecological nightmare" to, "The place has oxygenation problems" to, "I've NEVER caught anything out of that lake!" and so on.
I moved into Galloway in June of 2014, caught a 4-5 pound bass in chilly December, and have been catching in the 2 - 5 pound range since! Am I just doing something right, or is everyone else just doing it wrong?