I fish a small lake right by my house, the area to fish in is right off a highway, if you fish the shore line the area to fish in is pretty small, you can only park 2 or 3 cars by the water and 2 off the main road. when I fish it I usually take my kayak out on it but I cant do that all the time so I fish the shoreline before work or after (if i get out early enough). If there are more than three anglers your stuck in one spot which isnt that bad, but in the summer months these 2 guys actually park their tiny civic right near the entrance and block off access to a third of the only area you can fish from, they fish live bait on bobbers an sit and drink beer(nothing wrong with this) but when they get mad if you walk past them or they move their car in front of yours and block off the entrance its a bit irritating. My son was fishing a spot adjacent to mine one day and he is 5 years old so he put his rod down and started playing with the worms, they came in and instead of fishing the spot that was open(even though it was the shallows and where the boats launch from they proceded to come and stand right next to him( literaly right next to my son) and fish nearly trampling his rod. Ive been nothing but courteous to these guys trying to talk to them a few times ( never mentioning the blocking of the entrance) and they just act like if im fishing in their personal lake. Am I wrong for blocking the entrance to the spots now when I go and would you walk past my truck and fish in a spot where my tackle is on the ground?( I do move if someone new comes along and if I change spots I move all my stuff so that the spot is free and clear).

Posted Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:56 pm

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