the popular places are; Poverty Beach at the north end, second ave jetty at the south end of Cape May - the cove from second ave jetty to the light house - the state park (light house) from the bunker (east side) to the jetty (west end) - any where along Cape May Point beaches and Alexander jetty in Caper May Point to Sunset Beach (crowded on weekends) - also the jetties at the ferry terminal
baits - clams and/or bunker
plugs - not a plugs caster - don't know - plug casting is best around the jetties at Lehigh Beach and Alexander beach in Cape May Point and Second ave in Cape May - there are usually Ole Salts plug casting who are MORE than willing to give advice
NOTE@@@ - jetties are slippery - get strap-on cleats or non-skid shoes - BE CAREFUL on the wet rocks - you CAN break something if not extremely careful - - Second Ave and Alexander jetties cleats are not so important (jetty runs along the beach) - other than second Ave and Alexander jetties, jetties are NOT accessible at high tide
my favorite spot is the state park and Lehigh Beach in CMP (next door) - I do better with a standard bottom rig (over/under) with clams than with a "striper rig" with anything
I like to fish the in-coming tide until an hour after high tide - fish have been caught at all tides - especially in early morning and late evening - high-tide Sunday is a 11:57 -
tide URL - click on Delaware bay and either Cape May point or the Ferry Terminal Building and fill out the bottom to get schedules
bad news is that nothing much is going on right now - nobody is bragging about any place - I went down to the park yesterday and came home with the same bait i took - caught two small skates - the Lehigh Jetty was occupied and i don't know if they caught anything
Good Luck and Enjoy
PS Checking at a local bait store is good advice