I am attending my cousins wedding down near Boca Raton in April , too close to Okachobee to not go ... Right ..? He doesn't care for fishing too much plus he has to do stuff for the wedding .. Has anyone ever been ?? I will fish the O one way or the other , don't care if I gota hitchhike n tie some mono to a piece of bamboo , it's goin down ...

Posted Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:00 pm

I have family down in Fl, and I fished okeechobee back in the 90's a few times. It helped that my uncle had a bass boat, I caught my biggest bass ever from that lake weighing in at(black rooster tail.) 10.4.(talk about a monster) Those pics are lost on my part my uncle might still have them. I was just a teen and wasnt consumed by fishing like I am now. There were a few spots we hit that were from the shore line and I caught lots of big bass including my first ever bowfin (yellow rooster tail) that weighed 9 lbs, snagged a soft shell turtle the size of a car tire, & a baby gator (on a spoon)..lol
There are lots of guides that will take you out and put u onto fish if you have the coin..shop around.
Enjoy your trip and good luck dude..lucky bastard!
Word of advise get a visiting fishing licecnse they are sticklers out there and check up on that stuff. The fine was 100.00 back then..lol

Posted Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:00 pm

Thanks Ed , appreciate that . I am def gona see whats out there as far as guides go . Think they might have a weekly pass or weekend poss day pass depending on how easy or hard it will be to get there ... I will get there for atleast a day on the water . Def not tryin to bring any gear there tho , all I hear is horror stories bout that .. Shore fishing n Gators don't mix , a guide or boat rental wud be ideal .. Gona start callin places this weekend .

Posted Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:20 pm

Check out roland martin marina and see if they are affordable.
All the states have a 3 day pass or one week pass, a regular license if you have an i.d in that state is the cheapest way to go. Small mom and pop shops, if you can tell a white lie might let you get away with a regular license if you say you just moved into the state and have an address. I paid $30 something or around that much for a pa one last year for 3 days, same thing in conneticut & ny.
Bring a small tackle bag on board in your carry on and keep it on top so if they go through it ,its accesable. Believe me they dont want to stick their hands into hooks and lures. If you own a 2 piece rod you can pack it carefully in a suit case or even a carry on( i only have one and I have bought it on board in my carry on with no issue). Also you can pack a one piece rod in a tube like the one they ship it in when you order online, just carry the reel in your carry on and I stuff soft plastics and hooks, weights, etc into the tube and they put it in cargo, you just have to wait when you get off the plane. I used rods I would not mind if they were stolen or damaged and again had no issue.
As for the gators, they are more afraid of you than you are of them. they stay away, unless its breeding season you have nothing to worry about.(spring) I lived in fl for 2 years and worked there and never encountered a gator without meaning too.

Posted Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:49 pm

Adam, I have a stout cardboard tube if you want it. Cabelas shipped a 7' rod in it, should be able to survive a plane trip.

Posted Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:40 pm

Cool thanks Mark . I have one piece tho . Would it fit ?

Posted Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:51 pm


Cool thanks Mark . I have one piece tho . Would it fit ?

Yep,it'll fit. I bought a 7' one-piece Shimano something or other to replace one of the three that I broke.

Posted Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:46 am

Good stuff . Mark I would appreciate that , thank you . Ed thanks for the heads up , I really haven't traveled before , well outside the tri-state area . Any helpful tips are greatly appreciated . Thanks again fellas

Posted Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:09 pm

Don't be scared, airplanes are statisitically safer than automobiles.

Posted Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:25 pm

I aint scared ... I embrace fear .. ahh is that a spider on my keyboard kdj'jDJDkc;ALDCL;DCL;L; GOT IT !! Anyway I am excited if anything ..lol

Posted Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:51 pm

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