Grouper Details

  • Water Type: saltwater
  • Latin Name: Epinephelinae Serranidae
  • Common Names: Gag grouper,black grouper,goliath grouper
  • Water Temp: 60 to 88 degrees
  • World Record: (gag)80lbs6oz,(black)113lbs6oz,(goliath)680lbs
  • Last Modified By: bassprochuck on 06/05/09 09:38 AM
  • Ask about Grouper in our forum


... hunt1276 posted in KY
... hunt1276 posted in KY
... jseffe1 posted in LA
... pescadero posted in CT
... fishfreak posted in CT

Baits and Tackle for Grouper

Live Bait (Other) Check Prices

  • Blood Worms
  • we used perch that we caught in the bay throughout the day.. also caught a couple on jigs in mid afternoon

Other Check Prices

  • Live sardines

Hard Swimbait Check Prices

Saltwater Jig Check Prices

Shrimp Bait Check Prices

Herring Check Prices

  • on bottom

Grouper Description

grouper is the common name for a large carnivorous member of the family Serranidae (sea bass family), abundant in tropical and subtropical seas and highly valued as food fish. There are several genera, notably Epinephelus and Mycteroperca, including some 100 species, most of which are characterized by bright markings that change in color and pattern to match the background. In the West Indies and the Florida Keys are found the yellowfin grouper, noted for its many beautiful color phases; the coney, the smallest (9 in./22.5 cm) grouper, colored a livid reddish gray with blue spots; and the Nassau grouper, the rock hind, and the gag. The largest of the sea bass are the groupers called jewfishes—the black jewfish, or Warsaw grouper, Hemichromis bimaculatus, reaches a length of 6 ft (183 cm) and a weight of 500 lb (225 kg) and the spotted jewfish is even larger (up to 600 lb/270 kg). Now grouped together and called the Goliath grouper weights have been recorded to 800 lbs.The red grouper and the black grouper, common N to the Carolinas, form the bulk of the commercial catch; both species weigh up to 50 lb (22.5 kg). Groupers are classified in the phylum Chordata , subphylum Vertebrata, class Osteichthyes, order Perciformes, family Serranidae. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition | 2008 |

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