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"Get Hooked on New Jersey"

Raritan Bay Fish Stories

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Name:  Raritan Bay Fish Stories


Open to anyone that fishes or crabs the Raritan Bay area.

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Wayne Reznik

joe dudek

joe dudek

greg thompson

Bob Jones

Leon Checinski

William Herring

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04/15/17 12:03 PM
Hi guys I hear the striper fishing is still spotty, anyone up there been out yet ?

01/12/16 10:22 PM
2016 Flea Markets & Show Events

JANUARY 16th 8am - 2pm $3.00 Lacey Townshp High School Fishing Club Flea Market Lacey Townshp High School 73 Haines St. Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 609-661-3003

JANUARY 29th - 31st 9am - 6pm $18.00 to $38.00 Fly Fishing Show Garden State Exhibit Center 50 Atrium Drive Somerset NJ 08873 732-469-4000

JANUARY 30th 8am - 2pm $3.00 Sunshine Foundation Flea Market Little Egg Harbor Community Center 319 West Calabreeze Drive Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087 732-267-6451

FEBRUARY 3rd - 7th 11am - 8pm $14.00 AC International Power Boat Show Atlantic City Convention Center 1 Convention Boulevard Atlantic City, NJ 646-370-3660

FEBRUARY 13th 8am - 2pm $5.00 Hi-Mar Striper Fishing Club Flea Market VFW Post 2179 Middletown 1 Veterans Lane Port Monmouth NJ 07758

FEBRUARY 14th 9am - 2pm $3.00 Palmyra Fire Dept Flea Market Charles Street School 100 West Charles Street Palmyra, NJ 08065 856-786-0718

FEBRUARY 27th 8am - 3pm $3.00 Mercer County Anglers Flea Market American Legion Post #148 895 US-130 East Windsor, NJ 08520 609-575-1359

FEBRUARY 28th 8am - 2pm $3.00 Ocean Fire Company #1 Flea Market 401 Niblick Street Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 732-714-8308

MARCH 5th 10am -4pm $3.00 Salt Water Anglers of Bergen County (SWABC) Flea Market American Legion 33 West Passaic Street Rochelle Park, NJ 07662 (201) 566-1510

MARCH 5th 9am - 1pm $4.00 Ocean City Intermediate School Fishing Club Flea Market Ocean City Intermediate School 1801 Bay Ave Ocean City, NJ 08226
MARCH 5th 8am - 2pm $2.00 South Jersey Bass Club Association Flea Market Millville Elks Lodge 1815 E.Broad Street Millville, NJ 08332 856-457-1877

MARCH 6th 9am -2pm $4.00 Berkeley Striper Club Flea Market Toms River Intermediate School North 150 Intermediate North Way Toms River, NJ 08753

MARCH 13th 9am -2pm $3.00 Asbury Park Fishing Club's Flea Market Convention Hall -Asbury Park Boardwalk 1300 Ocean Avenue Asbury Park, NJ 07712 732.988.0121

MARCH 18th - 20th 10am - 6pm $12.00 Saltwater Fishing Expo Garden State Exhibit Center 50 Atrium Drive Somerset, NJ 603-431-4315

MARCH 20th 9am -3pm $4.00 Sergeantsville Firehouse Flea Market 761 Sergeantsville Rd Sergeantsville, NJ 08557 215-598-7950

APRIL 2nd - 3rd 10am - 4pm $ FREE $ Pequest Trout Hatchery Open House & Flea Market Pequest Trout Hatchery & NREC J 605 Pequest Rd. Oxford NJ 07863 908-637-4125

07/27/14 07:02 AM
Have no friends to go fishing with . Am retired looking fore friends to fish with salt water an fresh water .

10/03/13 11:12 PM
How is the fishing going up there guys. The Barnegat inlet is still loaded with Blues
Picked up a few more today

07/19/13 10:24 AM
I decided to take Gathney's advise and forget every thing and go fishing. GREAT advise! Went out on the Capt. John out of Keport for the evening trip. Only $40.00.

I couldn't have asked for a better evening to go out fishing. The water was smooth as glass, a light breeze was blowing and kept us comfortable from the heat and humidy.

Bait fish were jumping inside the harbor and out in the bay.
Everyone was catching shorts, dogfish, skates, searobins and spider crabs.

I eneded up with five shorts and a few misses, two of them were almost keepers. Wayne caught a short, a few misses and ended up with a nice keeper that came in second place in the pool. Close but no money.

05/19/13 09:06 PM
I have been out. I went this weekend.

04/27/13 01:34 AM
Has anyone been out fishing this season??

04/27/13 01:33 AM
Here is a free saltwater fishing seminars. See ya there!

11/22/12 11:41 AM
Have a safe and Happy Thanks Giving!

11/15/12 01:30 PM
We will Fish Again!

11/07/12 10:10 AM
Old Orchard Light

10/23/12 01:50 PM
Arthur Kill 10/18/12

Started out in the bay, but it turned nasty with strong wind, white caps and a very fast drift. Looked to find a sheltered area in the Kill and only caught one small blue. At least we didn't catch the skunk

10/23/12 01:49 PM
Raritan Bay 10/06/12

Fished the lighthouse and rock piles. Had no hits the drift was to fast and the wind was kicking up some white caps. Before going back to the marina I tied off on a pile in a sheltered area and chummed the water with some old homemade chum. Wayne had a real hard strike from either a blue or striper, but was unable to set the hook. He was using live spot for bait. I in the mean time caught one spot after another until I ran out of bait. Ended up with (45) spot, which will be used for stripe bait. It's been nice to go out and finally catch something.

08/30/12 10:03 PM
when fishing and crabbing in cheesequake creek caught one legal size crab and no fish

08/23/12 08:55 AM
Raritan Bay 08/19/12

I went to check my crab pots on Sunday with Wayne, Jetty, Andrew and Rob. Went to pull up the first crab pot and found that some low life, dirt bag stole the crab pot. I even had a short dark colored line and a small dark float on it, so it won’t be easy to find. Anyway only (2) legal size crabs. We fished for awhile after checking the pots and not even one bite. The only good thing about this trip was getting out on the water, the cooler air temperature and calm, smooth water. Andrew did actually catch something on this trip, but it was just a piece of drift wood. He threw it back, because it was short. Lol

08/16/12 09:49 AM
Raritan bay 08/12/12

Waiting for train bridge to open, so we threw the cast net and caught 210 peanut bunker and short striper.

In the bay Wayne caught a short striper and 2 large bunker.

Jetty caught 2 blues

08/11/12 01:59 AM
Raritan Bay 07/21/12

A nice day on the water with Wayne & Jetty.
Caught (3) shorts - Nothing to write home about or worth taking pictures.

08/11/12 01:58 AM
Raritan Bay 07/13/12

Fished with Wayne and Jetty. We had real good sized killies (5") and peanut bunker. Caught a small blue on the peanut bunker and another one on a stretch 25. Its nice to be fishing again!

08/11/12 01:58 AM
Raritan Bay 07/11/12

The boat is back! The official test ride proved to have no problems!

I fished with Wayne at Great Beds for a short time, before going back to the slip to complete the testing of the boat a low speeds and backing into the slip. The boat passed with NO problems!

Caught (1) Bluefish using a Killie & Gulp combo. This will make prime crab bait.

Had a real good hit on a Peanut bunker and gulp combo, but it only stole the bunker and got away.

All in all the evening on the water was great, the boat ran great and we caught fish. It can't get any better than that.

08/11/12 01:57 AM
Raritan Bay 07/01/12

Still stuck at the dock, waiting on boat repairs. Buying a new motor for next season!

Still catching bait and will try crabbing until the boat is fixed.

08/11/12 01:57 AM
Raritan Bay 06/24/12

The boat is still not fixed, but have plenty of fresh live bait. (Eels, Killies, Grass Shrimp)

08/11/12 01:56 AM
Raritan Bay 06/16/12

(19) Bunker

I woun't have to buy striper & crab bait for a little while.

Anglers: Casey & Jim

08/11/12 01:55 AM
Raritan Bay 06/14/12

(1) short fluke and a number of missed hook ups.

Anglers: Jim & Jeremy

09/29/11 02:10 PM
Too much work, s***ty weather and loosing interest.

09/20/11 12:37 PM
Sept. 9th - Raritan Bay
(2) Keeper fluke

09/19/11 12:42 PM
Sept. 16th - Raritan Bay
Counldn't ask for better weather or water conditions. Only (1) bite which landed a 9" Spot by J. Hamilton

09/16/11 10:47 AM
Sept 3rd - Raritan Bay
We caught (3) keeper fluke 18 to 19". (3) shorts, a searobbin and a crab.

08/31/11 12:58 PM
Well we either have no anglers that fish Raritan Bay or that don't want to share their fish stories and brag about their catch.

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Date Established:
Aug 25, 2011

Type: Public
Visibility: NJ
# Members: 8
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