Very sad news.
Many killed and injured.
It looks like quite a mess.
My thoughts go out to them all.
Sad Sad Sad

Posted Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:28 pm

It's a sad state of affairs that the world is in and the Isis Terrorists
have to be exterminated once and for all! Too many innocent people
are being maimed and killed for radical stupidity! All Countries have to join together and fight this demon at all costs. We must all stop bowing down, making excuses, apologizing for our peaceful way of life. Obama has done enough of this already. Also we must not let political correctness, ideology, political party affiliation cloud the facts that we are in deep s*** and are being threatened, intimidated, beheaded, murdered, mocked, maimed by radical Isis Muslims terrorists you main goal is to destroy every religion and laws that do not follow radical Sharia laws.

By no means am I stating that all Muslims are evil, bad people or terrorists. All Though I am stating that it is long over due for the good, peaceful Muslims to step up and actively help fight and defeat Isis. The time has come and it’s NOW! I will not feel sorry for any Muslim that just sits back, does not get involved in the fight against Isis. This is the reason the good peaceful Muslims get lumped in with the racial terrorists. The choice is very simple, clear either help in the fight or stop complaining.

I’m sorry for this political rant, but I’m saddened and pissed off. This is not intened to offend anyone. If it does I'm sorry, but thats the way it is.

God Bless all of the innocent victims that have been injured or killed as well as the world.

Posted Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:28 pm

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