I have several industrial/business parks nearby and some have nice sized ponds/lakes. Most have the private lake/property signs. There's usually noone working on sundays, so their parking lots are totally empty and It kills me that i can't go fishing at these places, and i know there's huge fish swimming around in there. I've seen fish jumping up to get dragonflys. They are all mowed, no weeds - 100% fishing access.
My luck, the boys with the lights on their cars, would drive by and see me. There are a few ponds fenced in with no signs anywhere, i am assuming they are state/county owned? probably illegal to fish there too damn.

Posted Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:15 pm

As my father taught me " It can't hurt to ask for permission, all they say can be no" I've stopped by business and farms that have ponds and introduced my self and asked for permission to fish with my son when he was younger I offer to pick up any trash thats lying around in exchange for fishing their pond and they usually say yes. I also have them write on the back of their business card that I have permission to fish/hunt. This way when the boys in blue show up, you have proof to be there and they leave you alone so they can get some coffee & donuts. Give it a try. Wink

Posted Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:58 am

that's a good idea....thanks brother

Posted Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:01 pm

I have snuck on to a few ponds, and I live by a different saying, it's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. I have been caught, but usually get away with a warning, fish at night, and leave no trace. My 7 largest bass and 3 largest carp have all come from industrial ponds. Good luck and tight lines.

Posted Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:59 pm

Lmao CrappieKing ,I live by those same words .. And if they do decide to F with you , say listen man I am just fishing , I throw them back . If the s*** gets thick after that just haul Ass outa there ...lol but sertiously tho try Jim's way first ..

Posted Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:37 pm

I tend to follow crappiekings words too - most times! These ponds are next to or in front of aerspace/gov't businesses, so i get a little paranoid. Guess i'm getting older! Hey Bass...i drive a piece of crap 2000 elantra - i couldn't haul ass outta there if i wanted to. They probably have scooters with quicker pick up and would catch me before i got a qtr.mile away Ha ha!!. Seriously though, my son and i are already planning a few night runs -sorta black ops fishing raids. Gonna find a spot to park, and sneak through some woods etc. and get some damn fish! Or we thought about removing the private prop. signs at night. Bringing 2 vice grips for the ones we can get to, some of the signs are in the water, so those will survive.
I can see it now down at the county jail. Stuck with robbers, dealers etc., when they get to why i'm there...i was fishing at a private pond! LOL

Posted Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:58 pm

I never said not to sneak in, but if you do don't get caught. Twisted Evil

We all have experiences on how fish have eluded us; spit the hook; snapped the line; went deeper into the thick brush, etc to get away. We must use this knowledge to your advantage. lol Always have an escape route.

By the way I started asking permission after I had knee surgery and can't run any more. I do have to admit that sneaking on property to fish is a bit more challenging and exciting.

Now thats a challenge! Who has the guts to sneak onto the property of a county jail or state prision to fish in their ponds. lol

Posted Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:16 am

That is quite a challenge....i aint doing it! I stay clear of all the gray bar hotels in the state....even if they have rigged poles waiting and 5 pound bass are jumping out of the water - i will keep on trucking! Been in a few on occasion, not for long - back in the younger daze!

Posted Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:40 pm

Lol SouthJers .. I hear ya man my civic aint as fast as it once was .. Need a ful exhaust pipe n muffler .. You should hear me try to sneak up to things I set off House Alarms it's so loud ...lol I meant try Jim's way first and ask but I am more of a shoot first kinda guy .. Hell if it's that good of Fishing just look it as paying for a Guided trip , Only ur paying a fine instead of a guide .. Wanaque Reservoir is calling my name n I am just figuring out the best escape route .. Only problem is they got Bears and Rattlers on that escape route .. But Damn that is a fishery of all fisheries .. Smallie Factory Might even scout a house or two n ask the home owner if I could go thru their yard ... Best time is when there is still leaves n brush as a buffer and please if u try this DO NOT WEAR WHITE !

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:35 pm

sounds like we both need new cars! We are going ninja style on the night trips....dark colors - stealth approach...night vision goggles lol. We have fished " private " spots before. Guess it's a spur of the moment - damn the torpedos kinda deal. Some places the signs are hidden on the other side and we can always say that we didn't see it.
We have also mapped out a few huge lakes...that are on golf courses! I deliver to a few in the cherry hill, voorhees, pomona area's and have talked to the maint. people. NO fishing! They also said that the lakes were LOADED with bass! If i was a member of these fine clubs, i'm guessing they'd have no problem with me catching a few fish. I never see anyone there, so i know that the fish are hungry for some action.....pisses me off!

Posted Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:12 pm

You have only two ways to tackle this dilemma.
#1 - Buy some cheap golf clubs at a garage sale; join the golf club; hide your fishing rod in your golf bag; tee off and hit the ball towards the water hazard; fish; then onto the next water hazard.
#2 -Park your car so it does not draw attention; Sneak in on foot after dark; wear dark colored clothes; use a red lens flash light and not white.
Both ways will cost you a pretty penny. The cost of membership and all of the golf stuff. Then they catch and throw you out. The cost for bail and fines when the cops catch you.
Seriously, if you can get onto a golf course to fish, the ponds do hold some large bass! You might have better luck trying the public courses instead of the private “fa fa” courses.
I almost forgot if you choose option #1. You have to make sure you also wear that funky bright colorful golfing outfit, so you blend into your surroundings. You don’t want to stand out. lol

Posted Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:17 am

At the private clubs - i'm gonna get a caddying job or be the groundskeeper. As soon as we got out of sight, i'd tell the dude to carry his own clubs and run for the lake - might get 10 minutes of fishing before i got fired. Wouldn't last too long as the groundkeeper, nothing would get done during the day and they'd keep catching me fishing after hours. At least i'd be able to say that i fished there!

Posted Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:29 am

I fish a few golf courses, and the best way to fish them..for me..is after 7 pm, in low light conditions, or in the pouring rain..frog togs for heavy rain. In the warmer months, a little rain is enough to keep golfers away and cool things down. I have also gone as far as wearing hunting camo and fishing the tree lines on some golf courses, just a few feet away from people teeing off and they had no clue I was there....gotta love realtree!!!
Also run and gun fishing, driving through some developments, i will double park and fish the ponds for a few and high tail it out before someone sees me, or if im feeling brave just wait until someone approaches.

Posted Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:46 pm

awesome way to fish - love that the golfers didn't even see you hiding! Thought about going out there at night and in the rain too.
We have done a few run and guns here and there, but it gets tricky feeling certain places out - there's a weird sort of vibe when it ain't cool to fish. It's good to know we aren't the only ones trying to fish these off limit places! Happy fishing brother

Posted Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:23 pm

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