Dear fellow Fisherman,

Unfortunately as we all know sometime going out fishing is not always an enjoyable thing. We all have come across the not so courteous people out there that has put a dark cloud over our fishing trips once or twice for sure. And yesterday for me on Sunday 8/18/14 was one of those days. It was my 1st time fishing at Franklinville lake in south Jersey and the 1st thing we noticed was the wave runners speeding around the lake. I was very surpriced that a public lake like this would allow any type of high powered motor vehicle to be out there in the 1st place. No one from a boat or shoreline could fish due to this activity. What made matters worse was witnessing them running thourgh birds and other wildlife killing them. I couldn`t stand watching it and tried to confront them but they stayed away. But today I filed a complaint and reported the incident to the NJ fish and wildlife. Please guys and gals don`t turn your heads from this. The only way we will stop this and make it more enjoyable and safe for all is to report any activity like this. And if anyone fishes at Franklinville lake please contact the NJ fish and wildlife and let them know about your concerns in this matter with the wave runners and report any killing of wildlife. They have no business being out there plain and simple.

To file a complaint: (877) 927-6337 or (856)629-0555

Posted Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:46 pm

To be quite honest I would have called the Cops after I confronted those clowns (not all ppl like confrontation) but sometimes intervening is our only option to stop things .. It's stupidity like that needs to be sterilized .. To harm a defenseless animal is like hitting a child or woman .. U want to poke a bear with a stick , there are repercussions .. For all those that think it's no big deal or its funny , u are wacked beyond repair .. We are all Gods creatures (I'm not the religious type) n we have a responsibility to do the right thing when nobody is there to guide us . Good job n notifying the Authorities , I hope they were caught n pay for what they have done ..The Character of a man is judged by what we do when nobody is watching .. I hope everyone will do their part n keep fishing a clean n safe . I pick up after jerks all the time , I have an empty milk container filled with snagged lines (birds nests) that only an A$$Hole wud leave that animals get caught in .. Just hope we are all on the same page .. Happy Catching n Fish on ..

Posted Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:23 pm

I'm pretty sure that we discussed this matter a while ago and had the same response from our members. The problem is not with our members, because we all responsible sportsman and know the consequences.

I’m in total agreement with both of you on this matter and have both confronted certain individuals as well as reporting them to F&G. They’re a lot of Aholes out there who don’t care about anything but themselves. Be very careful if you decide to confront or lecture this subspecies. You never know what they are capable of doing. The best option is to gather enough information to turn over to F&G and let the professionals handle it.
I’ve noticed that since I started to report the incidents. I don’t see the AHs coming back; I have less trash to pick up; can now enjoy fishing in piece and quite.

Remember if we want to less No Fishing and Trespassing signs being posted, we have to do our party!

Posted Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:25 pm

Well said guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:17 am

I agree with you all. We have all seen this nonsense before.
It has turned me off to jet skis because so many people who ride
them behave in such a terrible manner.
I know its not all and jet skis have their place when used responsibly
but it seems like that dosent happen very often.

Posted Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:44 am

Total agreement with everything said so far. I have had to clean up beer bottles, empty worm and food containers and tons of fishing line. Last spring at lions lake in voorhees, i had to tell this dbag from pa-to stop catching fish and cracking them in the head with a stick. He said what are you gonna do? I replied, nothing because I'm with my kid, but i am calling the cops, you've got 10 mins to get out of here. By the time i got to my car, he was packing up his gear. I did call the cops, never did find out what happened. Last summer, there were 4 kids about 16-17 and I'm fishing with my youngest son. I see them surround a kid and start pushing him and they took his wallet and were throwing around while he was trying to get it back. Then the one kid punched this kid, i had enough. I put my pole down walked over and screamed to give him back his fkn wallet. They all looked at me sorta stunned, i kept walking toward them, and they gave him back his wallet and ran off. The kid's nose was bleeding and his shirt was torn, but he thanked me 100 times. I said don't worry about it. I told him to call the cops if he sees them again and find a different way home. I hate confrontation because I'm older now, but if something needs to be done or said....i usually say or do it. I have gotten smacked around for opening my mouth, but gained alot of respect and the reputation of being crazy! I don't look for trouble, but i don't run from it. It might get me killed one day, i just cant help it, something takes over kids think I'm a nutcase, and tell all their friends the stories of what they've seen me do, hopefully they won't be as crazy as i have been, but will say or do something when they need to.

Last edited by southjerseyangler on Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:00 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:00 am

according to the state site there are no motors allowed on this lake. hopefully no animals were hurt as most birds will fly away, at least they do when they deem I am getting too close to them with my boat.

Posted Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:15 pm

Nice SouthJersey ! Yea we all gota calm down at some point for one reasons or the other But never change ppl are who they are for a reason . I respect ppl that aren't scared of a lil spike in your blood pressure for the right reason .. I js hope this translates to the young ones as to do the right thing don't be a spectator or afraid to stand for right when its wrong .. I'm not sayin " fight the power "..but simply stand up for what you believe is the right thing .. I am confident ppl are getting sick of this too and for the most part are not laying down for the Sbags n Dbags of the world ..

Posted Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:50 am

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