Without the heat and sun, the weeds in my spot are so bad as to make the lake almost unfishable, all the long weeds have broken free of the bottom, but without the sun, they arent sinking to the bottom, and now the snot algae is growing on top of the mats, this is the first time i have ever had a problem getting the canoe to skim over the weeds, it is picking up huge amounts of this stuff and dragging along with the canoe.
And on top of that, with one cold front after another coming through, the fish just arent very active. i went out three times this last stint off, for a total of around 16 hrs of fishing, and only got 1 bass, and one other hit on the frog that missed, and that hit on the frog was so subtle as to almost not be noticeable. I hate the fact that the liberals were right with this Global warming....i'm burning up
Oh yea, your correct JB , just a bit of sarcasm. But honestly i dont know what the heck is going on, maybe i just forgot how to catch fish, of all the things i've lost, i miss my mind the most.