gluttony32 First fish of the night. Off of some cover. A downed tree under some lights.
jimbuoy Nice fish. It seems that you fish a lot at night and have good results.
gluttony32 I only fish man made lakes and ponds at night...I fish alot in general. It doesnt matter if its day or night...even though fishing at night spares me from staring at live bait fisherman sitting there catching the breeze.
bassassin201 I hear u Ed , thats funny u should say , five years ago I thought that ws the only kind of fishing . Sittin there n waitin , I called it lil did I know
gluttony32 I started the same way, I dont mind it when they are at a nice lake away from civilization, It just baffles me to see, grown men in an urban setting, wearing vests, with giant tackle boxes and tons of gear @ a 217 acre pond, not catching anything. getting mad when I do..lmao
gluttony32 I made a mistake in my last post, Roosevelt pond is only 10 acres, which makes it even
It seems that you fish a lot at night and have good results.